
To really know

Image by 0fjd125gk87 I'm so happy to have some time to sit down and write some things that have been on my mind lately. I've been very busy, and my life has been in a hurry, being in haste to do everything and fit everything into the week and then start a new week with the same hectic lifestyle, which was slowly robbing me of joy, concentration, energy, and hobbies or things I like to do for myself. I've been looking at my life and I was seeing how I enjoy my job and all the work I'm doing, but I'm in a constant giving and I don't invest in myself and the things I enjoy doing. I'm grateful that I've been able to travel and spend time with people I love, but the first thing that caught my attention, after having some time away from work and the frantic life, was not having enough time for what's the most important in my life: my connection and intimacy with God either. When I realized this, I started being more aware of where most of my time and energ...

Slow down a little bit

I know I haven't written for a long time on my blog. It's not something I have been prioritizing lately and I can't promise or say that I will, in the future. I wanted to come up here now and just write my thoughts down.  I haven't been feeling good for a few days, I got a cold and I had time to slow down and think. I've realized that I have been working a lot, I have been active doing lots of things and I have made new friends, which occupied a lot of my time. All of these are good and I love all, but they occupy my life, my thoughts, my feelings and my time. I have this way of mine, that I live in my head and I have lots of thoughts. I've learned that it's not wrong, but it isn't right to be occupied with other things first, rather than with what is the most important. The most important is God and it will always be as such. This will never change and it's something I want more than anything else in the whole universe. The only thing is that when I...

Be cheerful

Image by cocoparisienne from Pixabay I can't believe I haven't written to my blog for almost two years. I mentioned one of my blog posts to somebody this week, which made me realize that I have neglected my blog a lot lately. I thought I will just hop on here and write a simple lesson I have learned this week. 

It is "both- and"

Image by Pixabay I think I often complicate honest and simple thoughts I would want to write about and that's why this post comes later than it should've had. Anyway, I am now writing and I think we are living interesting times. I'm happy to be alive and to know that this period of time was meant to be mine. I've been feeling very happy during this year, experiencing little dreams of mine coming true, little love nuggets, small, caring gestures from God, who was showing me how much He cares about my heart and my relationship with Him. He has been filling my soul box with such delight that I am overwhelmed with excitement and joy! This is how life should be... but... it isn't... I know, we live on this earth where we have to still go through seasons to cope with the changes that require us to mature and learn love well. I'm in... being on this journey, although I won't and don't, at the present, understand many things that happen in and around me....


Image by Jackson David from Pixabay I am in a season where I can feel God's presence in such a deep and sweet way, which fills my life to overflow and to be full of joy. For days I've been singing songs to Him in my spirit, in my dreams and it has been awe-inspiring. I experience such incomprehensible joy... I don't own the right words in my vocabulary to adequately express what a privilege I feel by being the daughter of the Almighty God. Sometimes I just lay on my bed looking up, looking through the ceiling and telling God simply: "I love You!" and then I stand in silence letting Him fill my heart. It's simply but profoundly exhilarating and satisfying the deepest points in my life. I wish life could always be like this, but it isn't. 

She awoke and knew who she was

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay I haven't written for a while and I'm not happy about it. "But here I am, and here I stay. Let the storm wage on..." (inspired by Frozen). I have many things in my head that I would love to be able to put down in black and white. "Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets [blogger] so that whoever reads it may run with it ." (Habakkuk 2:2) I won't overthink what I'm going to write about, so enjoy the rawness and simplicity of it. I feel like 70% of my posts are about this topic: the importance of knowing how valuable you are. This is what I want to write about today, as well. Just bear with me.

Human Will- part 4

Image by RondellMelling on Pixabay I have promised to write about the process I went through learning more about the human will. First I want to summarize the last three posts: "the sinful nature is always hostile to God", because of a heart that hates Jesus that's why we have to be born again He is working in you, giving you the desire to obey Him and the power to do what pleases Him the source of sin is the heart, not the will  the sinner chooses sin because he prefers it, it's in his nature, though of course he doesn't enjoy the effects of such a choice   we received a new heart from God, which yearns to fulfill God's purposes and His will on earth sin is more than an action, it's a state of being the will is ruled by the mind and heart, which have been corrupted by sin, so if the man would want to turn towards God, it is God Himself who has to work " to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose" We don't preac...