Human Will- part 4

Image by RondellMelling on Pixabay
I have promised to write about the process I went through learning more about the human will. First I want to summarize the last three posts:
  • "the sinful nature is always hostile to God", because of a heart that hates Jesus that's why
    we have to be born again
  • He is working in you, giving you the desire to obey Him and the power to do what pleases Him
  • the source of sin is the heart, not the will 
  • the sinner chooses sin because he prefers it, it's in his nature, though of course he doesn't enjoy the effects of such a choice
  •  we received a new heart from God, which yearns to fulfill God's purposes and His will on earth
  • sin is more than an action, it's a state of being
  • the will is ruled by the mind and heart, which have been corrupted by sin, so if the man would want to turn towards God, it is God Himself who has to work "to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose"
  • We don't preach the Good News BECAUSE WE believe that people are free and capable of receiving Jesus as their Savior, but because we are commanded to do so and we love Him. 
God has been speaking to me about His grace for a while and I have been struggling with accepting it, because I thought I repented and that's why I received a new being from God. As I was struggling with insecurity, not knowing what the truth is, I went through a hard time and because I had so many questions about God and who He is, I fell into sin, which I didn't want. Because I did everything to stop it but nothing worked, I kept running to God like a little girl who stumbled and fell face down into the dirt, stood up and ran into the arms of her Daddy. He helped me see that I couldn't change anything by my own will, I needed His helped. I don't say that He made me sin, but He allowed it for me to learn how much I need Him every single day. I'm humbled, washed clean by my Father and restored to my identity: His girl. Our struggles don't dictate our identity. He has chosen us and we can't slip too far where He can't catch us. What a trust and peace floods me whenever I think about this. My heart finds all that it needs in Him and I was made to learn to love Him better with the passing of every minute and loving others more and with a pure heart. This is what He has been working in me: loving to love others. I've been experiencing such joy and love for others lately that sometimes I feel like there's a bomb inside of me and it explodes with love. People change into their best not because they really desire it, but because God gives them an unquenchable thirst and an insatiable hunger for Him. "Give me more of You, Holy Spirit! This is my heart's cry, to love You, and to love others like You do. I don't want You to be a familiar stranger to me. Father, I want the fullness of knowing you through my deepening intimacy with You. I pray that Your light will illuminate the eyes of my imagination, flooding me with light to arise and shine, until I experience the full revelation of the hope of Your calling in my life- that is, the wealth of Your glorious inheritance that You find in me. Release the life of Jesus deep inside me, and let the resting place of Your love become the very source and root of my life!"
Here's a part of an ode, which is the legacy of worship passed down from the first believers. These are the words I want to end this post with. These odes were found and published for people to read them and be inspired by them. 

I praise You, O Lord, because I love You.
O Most High, forsake me not, for You are my hope.
Freely did I receive Your grace, may I live by it.
Indeed my confidence is upon the Lord, and I will not fear.
And because the Lord is my salvation, I will not fear.
And He is as a woven crown upon my head, and I shall not be shaken.
Even if everything should be shaken, I shall stand firm.
And though all things visible should perish, I shall not die;
Because the Lord is with me, and I with Him.


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