
Showing posts from May, 2011

Graduation 2011

Another chapter of my life was written and...I survived :))) Just kidding! I had fun...really! It was really great and I realized again that GOD is good to ME and that He loves me very, very much. I selected some photos, I hope you'll enjoy watching!   Applied Foreign Languages Zoom :) THE END Do you see yourself graduating?

He's sufficient for me

It's good to believe that nothing is too big for God, but also to believe, wholeheartedly, that nothing is too small for His undivided attention. I will be your God throughout your lifetime... I made you, and I will care for you. Isaiah 46:4 NLT Think of God's grace as a hammock in the back yard at the end of the day--ready to wrap you in peace and comfort, quiet your heart, and renew your sense of God's complete care and control over everything that concerns you. My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness. II Corinthians 12:9 NIV -Bonnie Jensen



One Day

One day- Matisyahu sometimes I lay under the moon and thank God I'm breathing then I pray don't take me soon cause I am here for a reason sometimes in my tears I drown but I never let it get me down so when negativity surrounds I know some day it'll all turn around because all my life I've been waiting for I've been praying for for the people to say that we don't wanna fight no more they'll be no more wars and our children will play one day x6 it's not about win or lose cause we all lose when they feed on the souls of the innocent blood drenched pavement keep on moving though the waters stay raging in this maze you can lose your way (your way) it might drive you crazy but don't let it faze you no way (no way) sometimes in my tears I drown but I never let it get me down so when negativity surrounds I know some day it'll all turn around because all my life I've

Lăsaţi lumea să vadă că avem nevoie de Isus

Lăsaţi lumea să vadă că avem nevoie de Isus - Ceau ! Ce mai faci ? - Bine, uite, cu lucrul ! Tu ? - Nu asa bine… cu masina la reparat ! - Pai ? - Pai no… stii cum ii cu masinile astea vechi ! - Din fericire eu am si uitat ! (râde vesel) - Merge BMW-ul ? - Meerge ! (si-si pune mainile pe burta multumit) - Ai obtinut terenul ala pana la urma ? - Obtinuut ! - Altfel ? Sotia ?… bine ?… sanatoasa ? - Prea…se plimba toata ziua prin Mall ! (rade tragandu-si cureaua pantalonilor in sus) - Dar relatia cu Domnul cum mai e? - Care domn ? A !… (isi fixeaza cravata) bine, slava Domnului ! (ii suna celularul… ii suna amandoua). Vorbim usor de lucrurile care ne pasioneaza, de cele de care suntem legati, care ne fac placere. Cum ar trebui sa arate discutiile noastre ? Daca Domnul Isus e doar un “domn” care ne ajuta cand avem nevoie de El, cum Il percep cei din jur pe acest “domn”? Daca ne uitam mai mult la televizor decat citim din Biblie, daca petrecem mai mult timp in fata computerelor deca

An unreserved love

This song is one of my favorite songs, since I've first heard it I keep singing and singing it! It's really something that touches one's heart. I like the words, which are perfectly chosen and put together in such a harmony. The person, who sings this beautiful song with her awesome voice, gives those words a great flow and musicality. The words which struck me most, were: You were there when I needed You most I'll never walk all alone On the cross You died and took away my curse LOVE so wondrous no one ever could deserve Your bleeding hands proved Your LOVE unreserved You're my greatest joy and treasure on the earth Make my life a fragrant offering I pray Help me Lord to serve You truly every day Through tears and joy I'll give You all my praise Let the whole world know Your LOVE and GRACE! When I sing these words, I feel like flying ... or ... fallen in love, yeah, those are the words I needed. Really! It's like openin

First post

Hey, This is my first post...yaaay! This blog is not meant to promote good writing skills or great words, because I have to be sincere with you, I don't have any special writing skill, I just write what I feel and in a simple manner, not using extravagant words. But I hope you're still interested in reading it. This blog is for praising God through everything and to inform about all sorts of things I will see worth writing about. I'm thankful to God for everything He does in me and I give Him all the praise!!! It's just a short post, to warm myself a little bit up :p hihi See ya'