
Spring is my favorite season...it's such a great time and I have so many thoughts running through my head...so I had to sort them and start writing.

Spring is the most wonderful season. It has so many meanings and so many feelings are coming up in me...oh, and the smell of it, is just indescribable. I would sing and tell God these words out of my heart's depth like David: 

What does the word "spring" mean?

Outside the lovely smell takes you up and lifts you up, the bright colors delight the eye, the perfect harmony of nature, which woke up after a cold winter sleep. Everything looks like spring arrived with its glamour and charm. It's a rebirth. Spring is a season expected by many, which makes sad eyes look from the ground to the great creation of God. It fills your heart with thankfulness, praise and worship toward the One who holds everything in His hands. God created spring for us, my dear reader, it's a declaration of love from the Creator, who wants to tell you how much He loves you. He wants to speak to your heart through this season, showing you He can start everything all over again, even in your life.

Maybe you went through a cold season, may have been in search of sunshine to warm you up, to lighten up your face and to make you smile, but everything around you was gray and cold. God created spring for you, to revive you and to show you His glory. He wants you to have a spring in your heart and He wants to remove the cold and gray season and replace it with a joyful season, with a new start where the warmth of His love is near. He will turn every aspect of your life. Don't look at what was behind, look ahead of you. Let God wipe every tear from your eyes and let Him heal your wounds caused by others or yourself. Dare to fall into His arms. Let Him overwhelm you with His presence! Let God bring a new season of rebirth, revival and renewal into your life, in other words SPRING!

This is not all I have in mind about spring, but the essential ideas. Enjoy spring and God's presence in the next days...walk in love knowing who your Daddy is and what He did for you.
"See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone. Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come." -Song of Songs 2: 11-12


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